Wednesday, February 1, 2012

WOW!! TIME Awaits No One!!

Wow!! Its been along time since I blogged!! There has been alot going on in my life that I had to stop blogging for a while. This is a New Year and I have accomplished alot and have grown since this past year. I have learned and watched alot from my mentors and others (never too old to stop learning). So I started a new JOB, a new internet marketing business, finished my Masters degree, and focused my attention on my family and my business.

I value Family and its very important to have that bond with each and everyone of them. Its a bond that no one, not even the Devil can break. So I spent my time being with my loving family and doing my daily duties as a mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend, and mentor. Focusing on ME for a change (What Sheyrl Wants) and that is not been selfish. You know; getting to know my inner self!! And that's a GOOD thing!! Most of us tend to forget about ourselves when the realm of life happens. We don't have time for ourselves. We focus so much of our time on the day to day issues that we tend to forget sometimes on how Blessed we are!!

There is a quote by Ralph Marston that states:

"Nothing will be of any use to you unless you have the capacity within yourself to know it and accept it. Peace, love, beauty, success and fulfillment have meaning to you only when they have meaning within you."

It is by knowing yourself that you can know all else. It is through nurturing love and goodness within you that you can experience love and goodness in the world around you. To be at peace with the way things are, be at peace with the way you are. To be confident in the affairs of the world, nurture confidence within the stillness of your inner self. The reality that matters is the reality that has meaning and resonance within you. What you see, what you experience, and what you live, all come from who you are. If you feel that something is missing in your life, turn inward. Find and nurture it there. Make a beautiful place for yourself within yourself. Then let that beauty flow out through all that is.

So I leave this for you. Man or Woman, I believe that this will help you in some way.

To know your inner self is to know your purpose, your values, your visions, your motivations, your goals and your beliefs.

So here are a few suggestions:

1. Learn how to Relax and find that Quiet place for Peace.

2. Meditate

3. Become closer to your Spiritual being.

4. Do what YOU do Best.

5. Seek a Role Model.

6. Be Proud of who YOU .

7. Read a good Self-Help or Motivational book.

8. Love Yourself.

9. Reduce Stress

10. Listen to your intuition.

Sheyrl M. Colclough
Internet Marketeer

“You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need.” – Jerry Gillies