Monday, September 23, 2013

It's a New SEASON!!! Rediscovering the New Me!!

Have you heard of that song by Israel & New Breed (New Season)?

It's a new season, it's a new day.
A fresh anointing is flowing my way.
It's a season of power and prosperity.
It's a new season coming to me.

That's exactly how I feel. For the first time as I can remember, I feel fresh and anew. Is it because I turned 40 this year. If so, I Love it!! I love this feeling. Life don't stop at 40 it gets better. At 40 I feel a special energy. A verve and passion for life and for what I do that I have never felt before. 

Today has literally been a breath of fresh air as Fall started my day with temps in the 70s. I am so excited to begin this favorite season of mine. New Me for a New Season!! 

Back in April of this year, I lost my full-time job and that itself was a Blessing!! Being home with my growing family was where I wanted to be. Getting Amber ready for school in the mornings, attending her school functions, and just being an active part of her schooling is what I missed dearly when I was in the working  world. Spending my entire days with Ashleigh & April here at home and just being there for them makes me Happy. Of course I had a backup plan, I decided to give my business a full blast. This led me into making a full-time income while here at home. I was able to do what Sheyrl wanted to do for a chance.

Since then, I have been on a path to lose weight, look better, eat healthy, feel better, and enjoy every single, blessed day of my life. With each day of seeing a more vibrant and polished image in the mirror, my confidence and joy returned a hundred fold. I fell in love with myself again!! This is when I began to take a more serious approach and help others who wanted change in their lives too. I realized that there are alot of people who are hurting, stressed out in the working world, unhappy with life and themselves. I was there too. I am a work in progress but I am Almost there. I realized that we are all blank canvases just ready to be painted by a master.  That is what is so beautiful about all of us...we are different portraits...not meant to look the same or be the same. 

Here are some recent pics of me and my family!! Enjoying Life!!