Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Do What You Love and Have Passion Doing So!!

Recently, I put out a saying on one of the social media sites stating LORD, I need you. I sometimes sit in a quiet place and wonder and reflect on how I do it all. How I am able to continue on because I do get discouraged at times. And I know for a fact that my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ is the very one that gets me through.

As you know (or some of you) I work full-time managing a very important database system for the State of North Carolina and it is very challenging and stressful at times. I have to learn to let work stay at work and not for it to interfere with my personal & home life. I am in ups about my professional career as to whether I want to continue to do this or let it go completely.  I have found something that I really love to do and have a passion for. And that is Network Marketing. Many of you frown at the thought of it but let me tell you that's how Millionaires are made and thats how many people are getting ahead in these hard economic times. Over the course of network marketing I have met so many great people all across the world. And for me, all it took was my passion to learn the business and my Toshiba laptop. The rest is history because I have partnered with a company and so many inspiring people that are changing so many lives. Average people like You and Me!!

I am sharing this with you because many of you are like me or was in my shoes at one point or another. You are working in your professional careers but your passion lies else where. I challenge you to start working on your passions. If you can't stop working your professional career because of other circumstances, do something daily that will help you get a footstep closer to working your passion or dream. I truly believe that we as a people are here to prosper in business and to do what we have a passion for. I think this is short, simple, and to the point and I hope most of you who are struggling about making a decision to pursue your passions over your professional careers take a step out on Faith abd Believe!!

I leave this with you and I think it applies to your personal life, business life, and family life.
"Do one thing every day that makes you happy. You deserve it! Make a point to do something good for you. Your life matters. Enjoy it! Cultivate the practice of treating yourself and your business extremely well. Remember that the greatest and most memorable things in life don't involve spending money. Today it's about Making Money!!!

Take time to focus on you for a change. By taking better care of yourself, you will enhance your emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. This will deepen your inner strength, and build reserves of resiliency, so that you will be better prepared to handle whatever life throws at you. Life will come with the bitter and the sweet. Take the time to make and savor moments of sweetness whenever you can. You are a treasure!"~Les Brown
Peace & Blessings,
Sheyrl Colclough

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Relax, Enjoy Life, And Smell the Roses!!

Live with enjoyment

Enjoyment is not something you take. It is something you give.
Enjoyment is not a function of your circumstances. Enjoyment is a choice you can make, regardless of the circumstances.
When you choose to enjoy where you are, it opens your eyes to the positive possibilities. When you decide to enjoy what you’re doing, your effectiveness skyrockets.
Enjoy your day, and you add joy not only to your own life but also to all of life around you. Enjoy who you are, and from who you are will flow great and meaningful value.
Give the gift of your own genuine enjoyment. Demonstrate your gratitude and immense respect for life by truly enjoying each precious moment.
Instead of reacting to life with frustration or disappointment or anger, make the choice to enjoy what life brings your way. Live with enjoyment, and give the best of who you are.
— Ralph Marston

     Hello and yes its been a minute since I last posted!! The title of this post is Relax, Enjoy Life, and Smell the Roses and that's exactly what I have been doing the past 3 months!! Doing what I Love to do!! I took a step back and learned how to stop and relax. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life and activities, it's easy to become overwhelmed, stressed out and anxious.  In order to live a happier, healthier life, we do need to slow down and learn to live in the moment. Take time to relax, and learn how to stop and smell the roses. Only then can you recharge your batteries and appreciate what life has to offer.
     I took the time to relax, and learn how to stop and smell the roses. I then recharged my batteries and appreciated what life had to offer. I took time from my professional career to spend with my newborn (April), took the kids to a couple of places for fun, and enjoyed spending quality time with my loved-ones. I am a go strong person and when I see something I like or want to accomplish, I don't stop until that goal has been accomplished.

Until recently, I learned not to ponder on the small things and I learned that its okay if you don't hit a certain goal in a time period that you set for yourself. It's okay!! You can pick up where you left and continue on!!

So here are some thought provoking tips that can prepare you to Stop and Smell the Roses!!

1. Make a list of all that you do have that makes you happy. Some of these items may not b everything you want them to be, but include them anyway. Some examples could be:
  • Your car: it may not be the model you wish you had but it still gets you from point a to point b.
  • Your job: it may not be the job you envisioned yourself in but it is your job.Remind yourself that many people don't have one.
  • Your spouse and children: they may not be perfect but they are a part of your life. Go tell them you love them. Watch their eyes light up.

  • Your home: it may not be that big mansion you dreamed of when you were a child but it is yours; even if you are renting. You do have a home.
2. Take some time out to do something special just for yourself. This could be anything from a bubble bath to a gourmet dinner. Do something special for yourself at least once a day even if it is just eating a piece of chocolate. Savor the moment.3. Do something special for a loved one without expecting anything in return, including a thank you. Just watch their face, see their enjoyment and know only you could do it for them. 4. Keep a journal. Write down everything good that has happened to you this day. Before long, you will begin to see the good as it happens and you will be in the moment as it does.5. Find the humor in any situation. Laughter is and has always been the best medicine. By learning to laugh, you learn to enjoy everything life throws at you.Living in the moment is not hard, but it is a skill to be learned. Start small and learn to take each day as it comes. You will begin to understand that each day, each moment is precious.

Start living those moments.
Sheyrl Colclough

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

WOW!! TIME Awaits No One!!

Wow!! Its been along time since I blogged!! There has been alot going on in my life that I had to stop blogging for a while. This is a New Year and I have accomplished alot and have grown since this past year. I have learned and watched alot from my mentors and others (never too old to stop learning). So I started a new JOB, a new internet marketing business, finished my Masters degree, and focused my attention on my family and my business.

I value Family and its very important to have that bond with each and everyone of them. Its a bond that no one, not even the Devil can break. So I spent my time being with my loving family and doing my daily duties as a mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend, and mentor. Focusing on ME for a change (What Sheyrl Wants) and that is not been selfish. You know; getting to know my inner self!! And that's a GOOD thing!! Most of us tend to forget about ourselves when the realm of life happens. We don't have time for ourselves. We focus so much of our time on the day to day issues that we tend to forget sometimes on how Blessed we are!!

There is a quote by Ralph Marston that states:

"Nothing will be of any use to you unless you have the capacity within yourself to know it and accept it. Peace, love, beauty, success and fulfillment have meaning to you only when they have meaning within you."

It is by knowing yourself that you can know all else. It is through nurturing love and goodness within you that you can experience love and goodness in the world around you. To be at peace with the way things are, be at peace with the way you are. To be confident in the affairs of the world, nurture confidence within the stillness of your inner self. The reality that matters is the reality that has meaning and resonance within you. What you see, what you experience, and what you live, all come from who you are. If you feel that something is missing in your life, turn inward. Find and nurture it there. Make a beautiful place for yourself within yourself. Then let that beauty flow out through all that is.

So I leave this for you. Man or Woman, I believe that this will help you in some way.

To know your inner self is to know your purpose, your values, your visions, your motivations, your goals and your beliefs.

So here are a few suggestions:

1. Learn how to Relax and find that Quiet place for Peace.

2. Meditate

3. Become closer to your Spiritual being.

4. Do what YOU do Best.

5. Seek a Role Model.

6. Be Proud of who YOU .

7. Read a good Self-Help or Motivational book.

8. Love Yourself.

9. Reduce Stress

10. Listen to your intuition.

Sheyrl M. Colclough
Internet Marketeer


“You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need.” – Jerry Gillies